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Scores of us seem to fall into the trap of hiring someone for our open position rather than hiring someone who fits our company culture.  Experience and resumes are important to an extent but if you hire solely based on that, you will likely have high employee turnover.  Finding a candidate that fits your values and mission will increase employee retention and ensure that your existing employees feel valued.  

The philosophy at MJHRC is to find candidates with solid values, enriching extracurricular activities, and volunteer experiences that fit with your overall company culture.  We look for these things first and then move to job experience later.  In many cases, if you wish to hire this type of candidate, looking for transferable experience will give you more options.  You can always train someone to do a job and do things the organization's way, but you can rarely train them to fit with your culture.  

Unlike other organizations who only concentrate on recruiting, our focus is on the big picture.  Because we see recruiting as one of many parts of how the overall HR function fits into your organization's strategy, we do not charge you exorbitant recruiting fees.  Most recruiting firms charge a fee equal to 20% of the hired candidate's annual salary.  That means fees can range from $10,000-$50,000 or more depending on the position.  MJHRC charges one flat fee based on the level of the position.  The highest fee you will pay to us for a candidate is $5,000.  

The flat fees for each Recruiting Level are listed below:



    *Recruiting is charged at a flat fee per candidate hired based on the level of the position.  The fee is charged once the candidate begins working: 

    Executive/Director/Advanced Degrees (i.e., Attorneys, Doctors, NPs, MBAs, etc.): $5,000

    Middle Mgmt./Supervisors/Specialty Certs or Licenses (i.e., IT, HR Support, Nurses, Dental Assistants, Paramedics, etc.): $2,500

    Support Staff/Laborers (no required certs or licenses): $1,000

    *Because our fees are much lower than any of the recruiting firms, we do not offer a guarantee.